Analytics Suite for Publishers

Optimize your website’s speed, track content performance, and boost revenue? This all-in-one dashboard is built for publishers who want actionable insights without the hassle.

Webpage Speed Analytics

Continuous monitoring of the speed of your website as a real user.

Ad Revenue Analytics

Monitoring the ad revenue of your website in real-time.

Realtime Prebid.js Analytics

Track the header bidding performance changes, errors to avoid revenue loss.

Content Performance Analytics

Elevate your content strategy by leveraging our cutting-edge platform to track and gain deep insights into the performance of each webpage.

Ad Revenue Analytics Report

Ad Revenue Analytics Report

Visualize your traffic statistics. Near real-time analytics is automatically populated on the dashboard and in reports withoutday-long delays.

Gain insight of top bidders, top countries, top ad size, top brandsbuying your inventory.

Realtime Content Analytics Report

Realtime Content Analytics Report

View your realtime content statistics. Find top growing pages, top referrer to optimise your content strategy.

Website Performance Trends

Website Performance Trends

Speed scores for both mobile and desktop. Monitoring of the speed of your website as a real user to protect your ad revenue.

Easy-to-use Data Reports

Get multiple dimensional user experience metric reports.

Performance Budgets and Alerts

Set performance budgets and receive alerts.

Know how, Know why

Receive alerts when your website is going slow or revenue drop.Know why it is going down. Find your least performing pages.

Enhanced Web Vitals Trends

Enhanced Web Vitals Trends

Built-in Google Web Vitals reports with multiple advanced features. Web Vitals reports provide information on a wide array of factors, in an easily digestible format.

For your Global Audience

Check the end user experience from multiple locations worldwide.

Both Mobile and Desktop

Manage the performance on both mobile and desktop versions of your application from one dashboard.

Per hour Resolution

Get performance auditing every one hour and receive accurate reporting and detect changes throughout your website.

Webpage Speed Insight and Auditing

Webpage Speed Insight and Auditing

Track the performance change. Understand the performance impact from the changes on your website.